la città del Brunello

The Republic of Siena in Montalcino
A.D. 1555, Siena lost the great war against Florence. 400 families of exiles took refuge in Montalcino and founded "The Republic of Siena in Montalcino" that will endure another 4 years before the surrender. This is just the latest act of the historical events that have made Montalcino, fortified city par excellence, "amplum et noble oppidum" ("great and noble fortified city") as Pope Pius II defined it. Walking through the streets of the city, we will visit churches and monuments to relive its history, discovering the majestic fortress from which we can admire the landscape with luxuriant holm woods surrounding Montalcino.

St'Antimo Abbey
A 9 km dal centro di Montalcino, adagiata sul fondovalle del torrente Starcia, l’abbazia è un gioiello di architettura medievale in stile romanico con richiami ai modelli francesi e lombardi. Secondo la leggenda Sant’Antimo è stata fondata da Carlo Magno in persona come ex voto per essere scampato con il suo esercito ad una pestilenza.

Civic and Diocesan Museum
To learn more about Montalcino territory also from the artistic profile, the Civic and Diocesan Museum is a must see. Located in the former convent of Sant'Agostino, next to the church, the museum offers one of the most important collections of art in the province of Siena, preserving works of medieval art, modern and archaeological finds from the city and its surroundings.

... and then the Brunello wine
In addition to the historical events today Montalcino is famous worldwide for its fine wine: the Brunello. Made from Sangiovese grapes, the Brunello takes its name from its dark color and can only be produced in the area of Montalcino. Besides the Brunello, you can taste other wines of the territory during a fascinating guided tour in one of the many wineries.